USS Cairo Gunboat Sunk by an IED Euring EOD Operations by a One-armed IED Maker

The USS Cairo was a quite magnificent gunboat, part of the Union fleet in the American civil war that operated on the Mississippi and its tributaries.  She was built in 1861 and in January 1862 became part of the Union Army’s Western Gunboat Fleet and then in October 1862 was handed to US Navy ten weeks prior to the incident described below.

Please note that there are several versions of this story, some of them contradictory. I’ve dug quite deeply through a number of sources including Official Naval Records, to summarize key aspects, and highlight some interesting questions.

In December 1862 the Cairo became the first gunboat to be sunk, according to Union forces, by an electrically initiated under water mine, in combat.  The Cairo headed a small flotilla of four boats tasked to clear the Yazoo river, a tributary of the Mississippi. The commander of the Cairo, LTC Thomas Selfridge, was tasked with conducting a complex operation to clear the Yazoo of explosive devices.  A few miles upstream of where the Yazoo meets the Mississippi the flotilla encountered an area where Confederates had placed a number of under-water mines.

The flotilla’s EOD technique is worthy of some analysis.  It appears they pushed forward the shallow draft boats along the banks. These were tasked with looking for evidence of the mines underwater (some of the floatation elements of the devices were apparently visible, suggesting poor emplacing technique) and more importantly looking for the ropes that led from the bank to an anchor under the mine, and by which the Confederate forces could raise or lower the mine in the water.  Render safe procedure then involved shooting at the mines in the water (not an hugely effective technique I would suggest), or releasing the anchor ropes and pulling the mines in to the shore where they were dismantled.  Bearing in mind that the devices could have been command initiated, then this should have required clearance on foot up the banks of the river by a well supported ground unit, and that the mines could have been movement sensitive, then careful stand off and remote hook and line technique would be required, it is not clear that either aspect of the IED threat had been fully thought through by the flotilla, given the reports available.  However I may be applying 20/20 hindsight of modern IEDD theory.

The flotilla had found and made safe five of the mines when it appears that one of the boats started firing at what they thought was a floating torpedo. Selfridge, on the Cairo went forward to assist. It was at this point that an explosive charge detonated on the port bow of the Cairo.  According to Selfridge there were two explosions, one shortly after the first. A large hole was blown in the bow of the Cairo. The crew were rescued but the Cairo sank in 30ft of water in about 10 minutes.

Eventually all that was left was the two smokestacks and flagpoles protruding from the water – these were removed to prevent Confederate forces identifying the spot and salvaging the big guns. The location of the Cairo was then forgotten in history until it was found in the 1960s, raised and renovated as a museum piece.

Most press reports and personal reports of the time suggest the explosive was electrically initiated. But that may not be the case. Time for some detective work, which involved looking at other sources, including official naval records which provides a fairly hasty investigation by Selfridges commander, Rear Admiral Porter. Certainly such electrical initiation technology existed and was used by Confederate forces, notably on the James River and at Columbus, Kentucky.   I then found an excellent book “The sinking of the USS Cairo” by John Wideman who has gone much deeper into this investigation and exposed a fascinating legal process undertaken by the Confederate perpetrators to claim ownership of the underwater mine design.

Firstly in Brigadier Gabriel Rains’s documents, (Rains being the leading designer of explosive “torpedoes” for the Confederates and head of the secret Confederate Torpedo Bureau), he suggests the device was a “demijohn torpedo” and his description of the manufacture of demijohn torpedoes makes clear that it was a movement sensitive initiation switch, which functioned as the charge was tilted – which fits the description of the device functioning as it touched the port bow of the Cairo. Rains’s device used an inverted demijohn, which had a 6lb ball of metal in the recess at the base of the demijohn. When the charge was disturbed the weight falls off the indentation at the base of the inverted bottle and pulls a striker mechanism.  A full description of its construction and operation is in the re-print of Rain’s book, page 37.  These demijohn mines could contain 50lbs of explosives.  The Rains’s description is given added credibility as he even names the Confederate officer  (Capt Zere McDaniel) who emplaced it.  Perhaps the assessment by Union forces of the electrical initiation was used to lessen the blame on Selfridge and his EOD operators who perhaps had carried out the incorrect EOD drill for dealing with this design of infernal machine?  However an alternate source suggests that McDaniel had been trained by a confederate officer, Lt Beverley Kennon, who had developed an electrical initiation system.   A full description of its construction and operation is in the re-print of Rain’s book, page 37.  The key thing here, however is that the EOD technique of dragging the mines to the shore would have caused them to initiate… and the EOD troops had successfully dealt with 5 devices without a detonation when the attack occurred.  So I’m going to rule out a Rains design for the demijohn mine.

The second alternative is based on other reporting.  This reporting suggests that Zere (or Zedekiah) McDaniel, along with a Francis A Ewing, members of the Confederate Submarine Battery service, were busy manufacturing torpedoes up river in Yazoo City. They obtained their demijohns from Yazoo city merchants and begged for powder from Confederate artillery units. According to one report the devices were pull initiated using friction primers pulled by “wire”. Those artillery units would have also been equipped with friction “pull” primers, which makes me inclined to think these devices could indeed be pull initiated. If I were responsible for laying and operating such a device, frankly such a mechanism would appeal to me as being probably safer to emplace, and more reliable to use than a new fangled electrical method.  If McDaniel was begging for demi-johns and begging for support from artillery units, it would appear he was under-resourced, and “making do”. Porter’s investigation suggests wire to the banks were found and cut but I think he is making an assumption that the wires were electrical, as we know of reports that McDaniel was using wire as a pull mechanism.  Porter’s report and judgement on Selfridge is here.

Of particular note is that the commander of another gunboat, Lt Hoel, of the Pittsburg was ordered to sweep the banks for evidence of the initiation mechanism. He did so but only reported magazines and material from which the torpedoes were manufactured, and makes no mention of any galvanic batteries.  Here’s a diagram provided by one of the officers responsible, Fentress, found in the Official Naval records.  This is interesting, because it shows the demijohn vertical rather than inverted as in Rains’s design.  Note that the diagram shows “wires” at (D) but these could just as easily be pull wires rather than electrical wires. However I think we should take Fentress’s diagram with caution as it doesn’t really make sense, and misjudges the issue of floatation and negative buoyancy.

Wideman in his book has found some remarkable documents which include affidavits from McDaniel and Weldon regarding the design of the torpedoes, their claim for “ownership” of the design and their operations on the Yazoo river. Indeed another man, Francis Ewing also claimed responsibility for the design, and each pursued those claims in the hope of a secret bounty from the Confederate Government.

The more I find out about McDaniel the more interesting his story becomes. McDaniel was a Kentucky born engineer, who lost an arm while fighting with the Raymond Fencibles (the 12th Mississippi Regiment.) He fought on for a while with a specially rigged Maynard carbine, despite the loss of his arm. He then came up with ideas relating to submarine mines and won support from those in authority on the Confederate side. Working in the Mississippi backwaters he sickened from malaria, but continued his work.  It would appear that McDaniels first designs (which failed) used a pull mechanism to a gun trigger and percussion cap mounted in a box on the top of the explosive charge.  McDaniel was then provided with friction primers by Weldon, who himself procured tham from the Confederate artillery unit stationed a few miles upstream.  Wideman has found a specific description of the improvised explosive device by one of McDaniel’s torpedo crew. I won’t steal Wideman’s thunder – buy the book!

So, all in all I’m inclined to support Wideman’s research to think that “simplicity” wins out and that these were “pull switch” devices, and not electrical devices, or even “Rains” demi-john designs. This is corroborated by the most important evidence, in my view, a letter from McDaniel to his sponsor, Governor Pettus where he talks of the Cairo which “came into contact with a torpedo made to explode by striking & which exploded and tore the boat fearfully”   It seems that the mines could have been placed in pairs with a wire lanyard running between the two – thus any gunboat passing between them or getting caught in the link wire would cause the mines to initiate – but the EOD technique used by union forces would have caused detonation rather than recovery.  In piecing all this together it is clear (I think) that there were  a mix of command initiated pull devices, and pairs of booby trapped mines, also working on a linked pull primers.

A total of 22 union vessels were sunk by Confederate infernal machines during the Civil war and a number of others were damaged.

As for McDaniel, he went on to manufacture and deploy a number of submarine devices for the Confederates in a number of places. in June 1863 he destroyed two Union trains by blowing them up with an ingenious trigger system, while operating behind enemy lines – tales for a future blog post, as is the remarkable bounty enacted by the Confederate Congress for using infernal machines to destroy Union targets. Watch this space.

Timed IED, 1864, City Point Virginia

Here’s a good report by an undercover Confederate operator, John Maxwell, in the American Civil War, describing an operation in August 1864 where he was able to deliver a “horological torpedo”  (a timed IED in modern parlance) to a Union munitions barge named the “J E Kendrick” in City Point, Virginia.

The IED detonated and caused a large quantity of munitions aboard the barge, and neighboring ships and barges to explode, killing at least 43 people.  The device had a clockwork timer and 12 pounds of explosive, but with the munitions also detonating it would have been several tons of explosive that went up.  Some reports suggest that Maxwell himself designed and built the device. he watched the explosion from about 3/4 of a mile away.

Sir: I have the honor to report that in obedience to your order, and with the means and equipment furnished me by you, I left this city on the 26th of July last, for the line of the James River, to operate with the Horological Torpedo against the enemy’s vessels navigating that river. I had with me Mr. R. K. Dillard, who was well acquainted with the localities, and whose service I engaged for the expedition. On arriving in Isle of Wright County, on the 2nd of August, we learned of immense supplies of stores being landed at City Point, and for the purpose, by stratagem, of introducing our machine upon the vessels there discharging stores, started for that point. We reached there before daybreak on the 9th of August last, with a small amount of provisions, having traveled mostly by night and crawled upon our knees to pass the East picket line. Requesting my companion to remain behind about half a mile, I approached cautiously the wharf with my machine and powder covered by a small box. Finding the captain had come ashore from a barge then at the wharf, I seized the occasion to hurry forward with my box. Being halted by one of the wharf sentinels I succeeded in passing him by representing that captain had ordered me to convey the box on board. Hailing a man from the barge I put the machine in motion and gave it in his charge. He carried it aboard. The magazine contained about twelve pounds of powder. Rejoining my companion, we retired to a safe distance to witness the effect of our effort. In about an hour the explosion occurred. Its effect was communicated to another barge beyond the one operated upon and also to a large wharf building containing their stores (enemy’s), which was totally destroyed. The scene was terrific, and the effect deafened my companion to an extent from which he has not recovered. My own person was severely shocked, but I am thankful to Providence that we have both escaped without lasting injury. We obtained and refer you to the enclosed slips from the enemy’s newspapers, which afford their testimony of the terrible effects of this blow. The enemy estimates the loss of life at 58 killed and 126 wounded, but we have reason to believe it greatly exceeded that. The pecuniary damage we heard estimated at $4,000,000 but, of course, we can give you no account of the extent of it exactly.

 There is an interesting description here of the effects of the explosion.

Initially the explosion was attributed to an accident, but Maxwell’s report came out some time later.  I have also found a good diagram of the device, and in particular of the initiation system which I have annotated.

Timed IED containing 12 pounds of explosive in a box with a clockwork timing initiator

The timer works like this:

1. A piece of wire holds the the balance wheel of the clockwork mechanism. the wire protrudes from a hole in the wooden box.  At the appropriate time the wire is withdrawn, feesing the clock and “arming” the device.

2. As the clock mechanism operates the clockwheel is rotated.

3. Eventually the lever, which has a stud protruding at its rear, falls into the slot.

4. The action of the lever falling into the slot releases hold of the hammer.

5. The hammer is forced by a spring to act against the percussion cap.

6. The percussion cap initiates the main charge.

Blowing Up Railway Bridges in Virginia

I’ve found more fascinating US civil war stuff on IEDs.  General Herman Haupt was a Union general and engineer with specific responsibilities for both repairing and destroying railways as the operational circumstances demanded.  His reminiscences can be found in  Here’s a description he makes of how to make and place an IED, (a torpedo, in the parlance of the time) and a picture of the said IED.



Here’s another interesting extract:

The Curious Death of Louis Lingg

Louis Lingg was a self confessed German anarchist, found guilty of his involvement in the Haymarket bombing in Chicago in 1886 that killed a number of police officers. Lingg was one of a number of agitators charged and found guilty. It appears in retrospect that the charges against the other six conspirators were weak to say the least, but against Lingg I think there was some degree of convincing evidence that he built the IED. Not least because of witnesses who testified that they were given IEDs by Lingg, and further, that IEDs were discovered in Linggs lodgings.

Here’s two pictures of an IED discovered in Lingg’s apartment.

The Haymarket bomb is thought to have been of a similar spherical design, but slightly smaller in diameter. The devices were lead spheres filled with dynamite, and initiated by a detonator/blasting cap attached to a burning fuze, inserted into the sphere.

There’s an image here of other devices, all generally filled with dynamite with a burning fuze.

Between the trial and the planned execution two strange things occurred in Linggs prison cell in Cook County jail.

Firstly during a search of his cell on December 6th four IEDs were discovered hidden under his bed. From the description of the devices they appear to have been pipe bombs.  How the IEDs got into his prison cell is not known, but visitors to the prisoners had plenty of opportunity, reportedly, to hand over gifts.

Secondly, four days later, in the same cell, Lingg died. It’s the circumstances of his death that is intriguing.   His death is described as a suicide, but frankly I think that explanation is unconvincing.  The official story is that Lingg obtained a blasting cap, held it in his teeth and initiated it.  He died in some agony six hours later from his wounds, his jaw having been blown off.  It is believed that the blasting cap was smuggled into the jail by an accomplice, Dyer Lum, who hid it in a cigar.

Here’s my doubts and explanation:

Blasting caps can kill of course, but one could not be certain of death by initiating a detonator or blasting cap in one’s mouth.  In a sense this is proven by Lingg’s painful death.  Lingg probably knew that a detonator in his mouth would be an uncertain way of committing suicide.

Lum has been accused of planning to break the anarchists out of jail. Could the pipe bombs discovered 4 days earlier have been part of such a plot? Could this detonator have been associated with an attempt to break out of prison?

Crimping.  Detonators/blasting caps need crimping onto the fuze.  A crimping tool or pliers wouldn’t have been available in Lingg’s cell. Lingg wouldn’t have been the first person in history to resort to using his teeth to crimp a cap onto a fuze. He wouldn’t be the first person, either, for that simple action to go dreadfully wrong.

So, I am not convinced as to the intended suicide.  Was he instead preparing an IED in his cell, perhaps big enough to blow the lock on his cell door in an attempt to escape?  The truth is we will never know.

US Made “Trojan Horse” IED Used Against the British in 1813

Another interesting booby trap IED set by our American cousins against the Brits:

The United States Congress decided to encourage private citizens to get involved in the war effort. In March 1813, they passed legislation encouraging the development of weapons and tactics designed to disrupt the blockade. John Scudder, Jr., a New York businessman, soon rose to the challenge. He outfitted a schooner named “Eagle” with kegs of gunpowder, sulfur, turpentine, and two flintlock firing devices, which were attached to two barrels of flour on deck. If either barrel were to be moved, the entire vessel would be detonated. The boat was filled with a standard load of provisions, then sailed toward the mouth of the Sound.  It arrived off Millstone Point on June 25, 1813, and dropped anchor. The crew headed for shore as a British boarding party approached, then fired on the boat.  The boarding party, to save themselves and the schooner, cut the anchor line and sailed back toward safety. The Americans had planned on this, assuming that the British navy would tie the prize to HMS Ramillies. Instead, the Eagle was tied to another recently captured vessel. That afternoon, one of the flour barrels was moved, causing a massive explosion that destroyed both the Eagle and the boat it was tied to, killing a second lieutenant and ten British sailors in the process.

What is it about these New Yorkers?  : – )


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