When a bomb squad moves fast…

This needs “Ride of The Valkyries” as an accompaniment. Not sure if these guys are “going to” or “coming back”.

400 years of IED design – and you end up with the same device

Compare the device from Syria, last month at this link:  http://cdn.theatlantic.com/static/infocus/syria022013/s27_41627145.jpg

with this IED from 1630:

Ok, so the Syrian rebel one hasn’t actually got wheels on, but the axles are there.  This design was also used in Dublin in 1803.

Syrian FSA EOD techniques

Oh dear!

No comment.

Combined EOD and munition repurposing!

Bizarre video here but appears to be true.

Further evidence of a remarkable improvised weapon industry in Syria.

Explosives Protecting Surveillance Devices and Micro IEDs

Interesting development reported here and elsewhere   Basically a covert electronic surveillance device was discovered somehwere ‘interesting” in Iran which seemed to have had a Victim operated explosive penalty integral to it.  Poses interesting theoretical challenges for security staff and potential EOD response needed to a find of a suspected surveillance device.

Reportedly similar devices were discovered over the past couple of years in Lebanon, monitoring phone lines, and an associated explosive incident occurred, but it’s not entirely clear if the explosion in that case was directly integral to the surveillance device or dropped from the sky.

Of course there is a common likely perpertrator in both the Lebanese and Iranian incidents, but the potential threat of an explosive device to reduce the evidence associated with the electronic eavesdropping remains whoever the perpertrator is.

I think there are also some intreresting deeper aspects to this, namely:

a. Is the purpose to deter searchers?

b. Or to destroy sensitive components? – if so what’s so sensitive that it needs destroying?

c. How would your design a surveillance device with an associated explosive payload so that it was certain to destroy the component you are concerned about.

d. What are the EOD implications of such a design.

Seperately, the fascinating accusations that Siemens components sold to Iran had small quantities of explosives (and presumably an initiation system) hidden within them is intruiging. Siemens deny even selling the components. But let’s guess that someone in the West provided a component with hidden micro devices in them for sabotage…. and that’s a fascinating concept.



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